Dr. Lucille Farrell Scott


By no means can any acceptable ideas for the future be manifested by the person who is not willing to take the chance and live fully in the now.

Dr. Lucille Farrell Scott MPA, is a Pastor, an effective Spiritual Transformational Strategist and Motivational Speaker who “choose to be on a mission for success,” and in the midst of tremendous adversity realized her goals and dreams of being a successful entrepreneur. A catalyst for change, Dr. Lucille Farrell-Scott advances the message of Living in Your Now with Power through the principles of Purpose, Passion, Power, Peace and Prosperity.

All of her work is rooted in her desire to see individuals understand the importance of living fully in their Now Power—thereby creating the ability to excel above their current circumstances. “She advises that everyone should dig for diamonds not chase butterflies.” She creates intensive courses and seminars on transformation and spiritual enlightenment and has been blessed to see the life changing effects of her words on the audiences she touches throughout The United States, Africa, Europe, Canada and the Caribbean.

Author of three life changing books, Being More Than Conqueror – Surviving Single-Parent Hood, Awaken the Leader in You and I AM THAT – Prayers and Affirmations for Successful Living. In 2013, she was inducted into Martin Luther King Jr. College of Ministers and Laity Board of Preachers at Morehouse College in Atlanta, Georgia. A frequent radio talk show host, Dr. Farrell-Scott she has been featured in magazines like Essence and Heart and Soul and The New York – Christian Times. She was honored by a Governor of New York and Mayors in New York and New Jersey.

Dr. Farrell-Scott is currently the President of Caribbean American Students Educational Foundation (an organization serving Caribbean and American Students desirous of attending college.) She is also a member of several prominent female women’s organizations.

In adversity her faith gives her the ability to look within herself and find the strength to not just survive but flourish. She believes that success starts off with a companion called impossibility and with tenacity and determination impossibility changes to possibility.

She firmly states and expounds:
that by no means no acceptable ideas for the future can person who is not willing to take the chance and live fully in their now.

She earnestly believes that with God, family and community, all things are possible.